You can’t get rid of me that easily, Beijing.

15 08 2013

Despite the fact that I’ve had to pack up and move countless times over the past 4 years, I’ve never been very good at it.  I always find myself waiting until the last possible moment before I leave and then, since I never really know what exactly I need, I end up packing way too many things.  I am always THAT person at the airport: the woman that’s half the size of her backpack.

I’ve known about my move to China since April, so this moment isn’t entirely bittersweet and shocking, I’ve been expecting this change for a while.  I think the hardest change this summer, was leaving Whitman.  I’ve had a wonderful summer being home and working in Oregon, yet it was also hard leaving Walla Walla, a place I’ve considered my second home for the past 4 years.  It’s weird thinking about the fact that I won’t be returning this fall and there are many people that I’ve been missing since the day I left.

I originally planned on working elsewhere for the summer, but in retrospect I’m really glad I came back to Oregon instead.  It’s been really nice to reconnect with the valley, family, and old friends.  For the first time, I’m not entirely sure when I’ll be back (I will be at some point though, don’t even worry. HA.).  However, I’m really excited to be going back to IES Beijing to work as a Resident Advisor.  I am incredibly lucky to be given this opportunity to return to the program and country that has the incredible ability to kick my ass, yet make me a better person for it at the same time.  My plan is to start up this blog again for the year, but I’ve failed that promise before.  We’ll see what happens.  If nothing else, I’ll hopefully have pictures in abundance.  Thanks for everything America, I’m sure I’ll see you again soon.

Yes, it does feel a little crazy to leave this backyard view for smog-filled Beijing...

Yes, it does feel a little crazy to leave this backyard view for smog-filled Beijing…




2 responses

2 09 2013


29 09 2013
Marie von Hafften

I’m missing Whitman and Whitties too. It’s weird not to know when we will all see each other again, but when we do it will be glorious :)

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